welcome to Denture Clinic in Bramptonton dentures in Brampton
welcome to Denture Clinic in Bramptonton dentures in Bramptonwelcome to Denture Clinic in Bramptonton dentures in Brampton
Denture Repair ,Denture Reline
Denture education
QUESTION: What exactly is a denturist?
ANSWER: A denturist is a dental professional who specializes in the construction and fitting of complete and partial dentures. Denturism has been a recognized health profession in Ontario since 1974.
- Apart from providing standard dentures, many denturists are now being certified in the production of precision dentures, such as the BPS brand, which incorporates the most precise techniques and the best materials available today. Many are also trained to provide their patients with dentures supported on implants. Denturists work hard to insure that your health is not compromised due to a lack of dentition. If you are in need of full or partial dentures, please call our office to schedule a free complimentary consultation with our denturist.
QUESTION: People tell me there are three kinds of dentures. Can you describe them please?
- ANSWER: The three types that are usually mentioned are:
- IMPLANT DENTURES: They are retained by screws that are fixed in the bone and are comparable to natural teeth. They offer the best solution in dentures.
They are constructed with the same material & techniques as Precision
or BPS dentures.
- PRECISION OR BPS: They are constructed with the most advanced materials and are made with the most precise advanced construction techniques available giving the best aesthetics and durability.
- STANDARD: Constructed using standard materials and construction techniques that have been around for the past 50 years or more. They are the most economical, but less precise. They can be upgraded to include higher quality teeth.
QUESTION: How often should I replace my dentures?
- ANSWER: Dentures have a life expectancy of approximately 5 to 7 years. Looseness, sores, lack of lip support, excessive biting on the front teeth, pain in your jaw, worn teeth, and too much space between the upper and lower teeth, are all signs that your dentures should be examined and possibly changed. Wearing dentures that are ten to fifteen years old can lead to irreversible damage to your mouth and jaw. These problems can be prevented by regular maintenance and adjustments.
QUESTION: I am considering having dental implants placed, since I’m finding it increasingly difficult to eat anything with my lower denture. I am unsure if I should consider 4 or 5 implants. What would you recommend?
- ANSWER: More implants will usually distribute the pressure more evenly over all the implants therefore, more is generally better. The quality and thickness of your bone is also an important factor.
- If your surgeon recommends 5 implants, then you should comply with his/her recommendations. If however, he/she is giving you the choice, he/she probably feels comfortable with four, but is giving you the option of five in order to provide the most stable and durable base possible. The majority of the cases I have seen at our office have been for four implants, and they have been very successful. The patients find that eating can once again be enjoyable.
QUESTION: I had a soft cushion put in my lower denture a few years ago. It is very comfortable but has become stained. Can the stain be removed?
- ANSWER: Some stains can be removed, but if the cushion is a few years old, it likely cannot. Soft cushions are very useful in providing comfort and reducing denture sores. For many people, it makes wearing a lower denture possible.
- Unfortunately, the material is a bit porous and does tend to absorb stains over time. This is why they usually need to be changed every few years. You would have to see your denturist to find out if it needs to be replaced
QUESTION: What is the best way to clean my dentures?
- ANSWER: Dentures should be brushed after every meal and soaked in a cleaning solution once a day. There are a variety of cleaning solutions available in drug stores, all of which work fairly well for most people. However, for people who find those products ineffective, or who accumulate hard white plaque on their denture, there are alternative cleaning products and methods available.
- If you feel that your denture is not as clean as you would like it to be, contact our office. We will be pleased to suggest other cleaning products that work very well. It is also a good idea to have your dentures cleaned professionally once a year.
QUESTION: I am having all my remaining teeth extracted soon, and instead of making an immediate denture that would replace my teeth right away, my denturist recommends adding teeth to the partial denture I am wearing now and making a new denture in 6 months. Why?
ANSWER: It is actually a good idea. Your gums will heal and when the new denture is made, your denturist will have a much better control over the appearance and fit of your denture. This way, you will be able to preview the denture before it is finished and have your say in the looks of it. This would be more difficult if you chose an immediate denture.